Our stay in Pt. Ludlow was great. It was nice to have hook-ups, park in the shade and meet new people.The family reunion was across Hood Canal on the Kitsap Peninsula. It was a Saturday, and the traffic headed the opposite direction was lined with cars for over two miles! Reason #458 NOT to ever return to live on the west side of the state! The reunion was held in a park on Hood Canal, and the grand- and great-grandkids and I had fun beach-combing, while the girls, their dad and Uncle Paul went through old family photos Paul had brought. It was a relaxing day and a great opportunity to catch up with those loved ones we don't get to see often enough.

We returned to park at grandson, Alex's house, where he and his family made us feel so welcome! Rachel, the kids and I went to a park on Puget Sound not far from the house that used to be the site of a gravel pit and has remnants of the gargantuan structures now inhabited by ospreys and adventurous children! Another day of beach-combing, too!
After spending a few more treasured days with our loved ones on the west side, we pointed back towards home for the final pack-up. On our way home, we stopped in Spokane to get the oil changed in the motor home and car. As Fritz pulled the motor home into place, the attendant was standing near the right front tire. The m/home rolled to a stop and there, on the top embedded in the (new!) tire was a medium-sized bolt! Yikes! They were able to extract the bolt, which thankfully didn't penetrate deeply enough to weaken the tire. If it had, we would have had to replace that new $600 tire. Thank GOD that this was caught by the attendant, didn't penetrate so we avoided a blow-out going 65 mph over the pass and lose a steering tire on our 26,000 lb vehicle!
Finally, we hit the road. I have to admit, I had mixed feelings and tears in my eyes. Call me crazy, but the thought of leaving my home, my local family and my friends for eight months makes me sad! If it weren't for the anticipation of seeing more far-flung family and making new friends, I might never leave!
We arrived in Kennewick where we have been enjoying the hospitality of my sister, Carol, her husband, Skip, and hanging out with my 91-year old mom (who, by the way, beat both Carol and I at Scrabble today!!!).
Tuesday, we head for Oregon and actually begin the trip. This may seem odd, but it wasn't until I gave mom her copy of a route map Fritz had made that I discovered exactly where we're going and what we're going to see! I leave all the planning up to Fritz, throwing in a request here and there, and he does a mighty fine job of coming up with a great plan. I'm going to see if I can get it copied, scanned and uploaded so you all can see our planned path. If not, you'll just be stuck reading the blog to find out where we're going next! ;-)
Til next time.....