being on vacation does not necessarily equivocate to being more healthy, as the
curse of my Thanksgiving-time bronchitis visited with a vengeance and brought Fritz
down as well. Hence there has been little activity to report and the big news
was when I could finally sleep in my own bed again instead of sitting up all
night. The beast persists for both of us nearly 3 weeks later, assisted by
intense (and self-imposed) schedules. Here’s a recap of the events of the past
several weeks:
I don’t know
why I’m always surprised to get winter weather this far south, but it seems as
if winter is taunting me that ‘you can run but you can’t hide’!! Our polar
vortex brought a bit of snow and extremely cold temperatures (in the teens at
night). I had to sit on Fritz so he didn’t just up and start heading west! Ha!
Well, we
decided that, although Grove was a beautiful spot, it was just too far away
from Tracy and family. So we pulled up stakes the Monday of Thanksgiving week and
headed back to Bella Vista, AR. You do have to be careful making such treks, as
natural impediments abound!
It was good
to be closer for the Thanksgiving holiday so Tracy and I could shop and cook
more or less together. We enjoyed a scrumptious Thanksgiving dinner x2! Our
menu was so extensive, we decided to break it up into two meals (also, none of
the adults were feeling too great so it worked well to space out the work). We
had a delicious prime rib on Thanksgiving Day and the traditional turkey the
following Saturday. That Tracy is one good cook and did an excellent job at her
first time cooking those meats. She even put her newfound canning skills to
good use and canned me some turkey broth! It was also heartening to hear the
kids mention ‘family’ as that for which they were most thankful.
We left
Arkansas (sad face!) on Dec. 4th, choosing the scenic route through
the Boston Mountains and Ouachita National Forest. It was a dreary, drizzly
day, and the scenery was well hidden behind the low clouds. All we came away
with was a very dirty motorhome and a very long day.
It was
bittersweet saying good-by to Tracy and her family; kids change so much in a
short time and it’s such a blessing to see Tracy and Mike so happy! But we were
bolstered by their plans to visit us next summer.
We spent the
night in a picnic area off a secondary highway and found it to be quite a
pleasant site. The next morning, we located a Wal-Mart parking lot,
disconnected and went to visit Virginia, an old family friend who used to
babysit the rowdy Johnson bunch. Later that day, we moved to the north of
Dallas/Ft. Worth to another Wal-Mart. It was here the pump relay decided
to quit ~ once again ~ so we had no water until morning when Fritz could
acquire a replacement.
morning was quite hectic, with Fritz off to the auto parts store, returning to
replace the relay, (so blessed with a resourceful man!) then we moved to an RV park that had an RV wash on site. We
scrubbed off the red clay of Oklahoma (no easy task on 36 feet of behemoth!)
before squeezing into our tiny site just off a major highway. As soon as we
were parked, against all good wisdom, we jumped on that major freeway and drove
right through Dallas to reach Fritz’s cousin, Lucille. Construction and
accidents abounded and we arrived, frazzled, about an hour later (yes, just to
get from one side of Dallas to the other!). Our efforts were rewarded with a
delightful lunch and visit with Lucille, who is a recent widow.
We took
another route back, on which was located a Costco AND a WinCo, two of our
favorite stores that don’t exist in NW Arkansas, so made quick stops at both. We
returned home exhausted.
Sunday, we
located a small church near where my nephew, George, lives north of Dallas. It was so good to
fellowship again, as we had been too ill to go to church for several weeks!
Following services, we met up with George, saw his apartment and beloved Nugget
(dog) and went to lunch. While Fritz and Nugget napped in the apartment, George
took me to a few stores to grab some necessities for our trip. Upon our return,
we had a friendly and close game of cribbage. It was good to connect with George again!
It’s been
delightful to get to see so many loved ones along our way, but it is draining, especially
when we are already running low on energy. So we headed west this morning,
anxious to leave the big city behind us, and will go only as far as we feel
like. Fritz is napping now and the slower pace is welcomed.
Next stop
Tucson, where we’ll catch up with some friends and our niece, Delann, spending
about a week there. We had originally planned to spend a month, but our friends
are leaving to return home for the holidays. At the same time, we found that
some special people will be in California during the holidays, along with
others who live there we long to see. So we’ll leave the Tucson area around the
18th and head for the L.A. area, then down to the San Diego area
before returning to Arizona around the middle of January. It’s good to be
So, guess
I’ll have more to write about in the coming weeks. Til then, may you remember
the real reason for the season and avoid being caught up in the commercialism
that Christmas has become. Slow down. Meditate on the meaning. Spend time with
loved ones and make your days count. God bless!
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